
Unix Tools Today

I learned Unix almost 30 years ago, while attending graduate school in the early 90s, from a now long-obsolete book entitled “Unix for the Impatient”.

Some of the tools and commands I learned back then have long since become irrelevant (ftp, telnet, cvs, biff — remember biff?). Others, although long in the tooth, continue to serve me well every day (emacs, tcsh, cc). And yet a third group seems to be more important than ever (such as tar, which is the basis for Docker images).

Book Review: Two Books on Analytic Number Theory

Analytic number theory is the application of methods from analysis to the study of integers, in particular primes. This may seem paradoxical: at the heart of analysis lie notions of continuity and differentiability — and what could be more discrete and discontinuous than the set of primes?

Euler's Product

Everyone knows Euler’s famous identity, linking the imaginary unit to trigonometric functions:

$$ \mathrm{e}^{\mathrm{i} \pi} = -1 $$

But another remarkable identity is also due to Euler, this one linking the set of prime numbers to an analytical function:

How Has Software Development Changed?

A survey published by O’Reilly regarding the state of the tech industry made me reflect how the field has changed since the dot-com boom (and bust) — that is, in the last 20 years, which really constitute the Internet Age and the Modern Software Era so far.

Hugo Templates and Other Features

The Hugo static site generator takes some plain-text content, marries it to a bunch of HTML templates, and produces a set of complete, static HTML pages that can be served by any generic, stand-alone web server. It selects templates based on the type of the content, and its position in the filesystem.