
Hugo's Processing Model and URL Management

The Hugo static site generator takes some plain-text content, marries it to a bunch of HTML templates, and produces a set of complete, static HTML pages that can be served by any generic, stand-alone web server. Because the site generated by Hugo is entirely static, all URLs in the public site must correspond directly to objects in the filesystem.

Emacs Org Mode

Disclaimer: I use Emacs, but I am not deeply into various emacs cultish uses. I just write books and about everything else in it. (Except mail.)

That being said, I am currently dealing with Markdown and friends, and so I came across Org Mode.

Book Reviews: Three Books on Linear Algebra

Linear Algebra is one of the foundational topics for all applied mathematics. But compared to Analysis, it initially often feels stranger and less familiar. Although technically not hard, the level of abstraction is higher, making it hard to see what all the formalism is supposed to achieve.

A Guide to Hugo Concepts

Hugo is a static site generator: it takes some plain-text content, marries it to a bunch of HTML templates, and produces a set of complete, static HTML pages that can be served by any generic, stand-alone web server. Simple.

Or maybe not. Hugo does a lot of things automatically, relying on conventions and implicit rules, rather than on explicit configuration.

A Note On Piffles

A. C. Jones in his paper “A Note on the Theory of Boffles,” Proceedings of the National Society, 13, first defined a Biffle to be a non-definite Boffle and asked if every Biffle was reducible.